Thursday 31 March 2011

Audience Feedback && My Reflection On Audience Feedback Of Final Magazine x

                                                                Front Cover Feedback

                                                              Contents Page Feedback

                                                       Double Page Spread FeedBack Page 1

                                                      Double Page Spread Feedback Page 2
My Reflection On Audience Feedback

The audience feedback in which I received was very positive. In order to get my audience feedback I published my images of my magazine on facebook and allowed friends to comment on what they thought. My friends generally picked up on the continuation of the colour scheme throughout the magazine as well as admitting to being attracted to buying the magazine itself and saying it looks very professional. One constructive criticism that was mentioned was on my first side of my double page spread saying I could have used a more female font but other than that my feedback was very good and I am proud of what I have accomplished and the fact that my target audience of female from 14 - 17 liked it.

My Final Double Page Spread x

          For my double page spread I decided to have the article about an interview with Emma White, who is portrayed as the female Justin Bieber (World dominating). I  used a variation of fonts for places such as Title, quotes, summary and clips. This allows the audience to establish the difference between the two types of texts and associate the different types of fonts which what they are, making the audience find quotes if that’s what they like.I kept to my colour scheme of using the colours White, Purple, Black and Yellow. The balance in which is on my page is that ½ of one page shall be the text in columns. I shall then have a main quote organised over both pages to bring the audience in as well as letting it linking the two pages together (Conventional). The rest of the spread then just consists of one main picture. I decided on this as the majority of magazines have the picture on the left and have bright quotes emphasized to catch the audiences eye as they flick through.The conventions in which I followed are, such things as having a main image that takes up the whole of one page, variation of texts to show off different parts of the articles, keeping to the colour scheme, having quotes to bring in the audience.  For inspiration on for my double page spread I looked at heat magazines lay out and copied the idea of having the main image on the left hand side with the text on the right as well as having a quote linking the two pages together. I think my double page spread worked well as I used heat magazine as a basic outline of how to make my magazine look professional so people would buy it. I was influenced by the magazine "Heat". The white box on the left hand side, was influenced by Heat as it talks about sending in questions and who my audience want me to interview,, this allows the audience to feel apart of the making of the magazine. The technique uses well for "heat" magazine. I also decided to layout my DPS similar to Heat as it consists of having the picture on the left hand side as well as having the columns of the interview on the right, with a big quote as the title. This works well at targeting my audience as it allows the audience to be curious due to the quote. Also the use of quotes break up the text making it seem less daunting for my audience to read, also another convention of magazines, but it works particularly well in "Heat" as it uses its colour scheme to bring attention to the audience.

My Final Contents Page x

            Evaluation For My Contents Page
               For my contents page I decided to use the influence of the contents pages I have researched to help influence my contents page.I used a vast variation of fonts for places such as Title, and clips of what the articles are, as well as the page number. This allows the audience to establish the difference between the two types of texts and associate the different types of fonts which what they are, making the audience find it easier to locate the articles etc, as well as making my contents page appear more professional and easier to interpret the information on the page.I continued to use my colour scheme of using the colours White, Purple, Black and Yellow. The balance in which on my page is that ¾ it shall be the articles in columns. I shall then have the page numbers organised next to the  article in order for the layout to be more presentable as well as making it easier for the reader to find the page they want as well as the article. On the left hand side of the page I have one big picture over lapped by a smaller image, this shows the variation of posters inside as well as advertising the main article like many magazines do on their contents page. I decided to have a variation of text overlay on the pictures to make the text needed to establish an understanding of why they are there more clear. This follows the conventions of a typical contents page.The conventions in which I followed are, such things as having a few images that takes up the one side of the page, variation of texts to show off different parts of the articles, keeping to the colour scheme, explaining why the picture are there as well as having the page number in front of the article name. I also have to remember my flat plan to make sure the number etc match up.

My Final Front Cover x

               For my Front Cover I decided to try and target a 14 - 17 female audience. In order to do this I looked at fashion magazines to see how they targeted the young female audience as there is only a few music magazines target at females. I used the convention for Q magazine of having the title and the main article being the same colour, this helps the audience see that both pieces are important. I used the front cover to establish the colour scheme of Yellow, Black, White and Purple. I used a circle shape to bring the audience attention to the free gift that helps them want to buy it. I also placed the bar code up the side of the front cover in the middle as a lot of the teenage female magazines had the bar code placed there. I added a lot of articles on the front page in bright colours to bring the audience in as they stand out more on the black background. I followed the conventions of having the title as the biggest font on the page. By following these conventions my Front cover adapted from my first draft as having less space and looking more professional.

Double Page Spread Prep x

My Drafts Of My Double Page Spreads x

Contents Page Prep x

My First Draft Of Contents Page x

My First Draft Of Front Cover x

Some Of My Pictures && There Edits x

       Original PhotoGraphs                                                                           Edited PhotoGraphs


In order to edit my pictures I used photoshop. At first I found the software diffucult to use however, after a lot of practise and the similaraites between Indesign && Photoshop I began learning how to use the software creating my edited pieces. Below is evidence of where my pictures are located on my laptop.

StoryBoard Style Of Drawings For Shot Types To Be Used In PhotoShoot To Support Choice Of Shot && Meaning Conveyed x

Front Cover Shots

This shot would be perfect for a front cover shot. This is because the model is looking directly at the camera giving a connection with the audience. The fact that there is a tree behind her gives off the meaning that she is going back to her roots of where she used to belong showing purity. The fact that she has a guitar in her hands also shows that she is a musician and she is taking part in the magazine to talk about her music.

This should would be a mid shot. It would be perfect for the front cover image as once again the model is looking directly at the audience, showing a connection. The fact she holds a guitar is once again showing this is a music magazine and she is talking about her music. The fact that there is fields around her gives a sense of her letting go and being free, possibly giving the audience the feeling that she is letting going and going to tell them secrets that haven't heard of before, making them feel closer to there star.
This picture would be a long shot. This would be ideal for the front cover image as a zoom in on the head could convey the pun of head in the clouds that may people think singers adapt. She is also looking at the camera and her personality shows though. As my magazine is for teenage girls they like to have fun pictures of there role models having fun as it makes them feel more connected to them so by having this as a main image it would bring them in.

Contents Page Shots

This would be a good shot for a contents page as the model is still looking directly at the audience keeping them curious about the article. The fact that she is once again standing in front of a tree adds curiosity to the story as to why is the singer in the middle of a field. The fact that the shot is on eye level suggests to the audience that they are equal with the singer forming a friendship between singer and reader.

This would be a perfect picture for the contents page as the singer is doing the peace sign which relates her to the audience as young females (my target audience) are usually copying the role models of singers who make poses us like the peace sign. It could also convey the message of peace between reader and audience. The fact that she has a hedge behind her shows that the picture could of been taking anyway and that the singer is in fact like everybody else making a connection form between reader and singer.

This would be a perfect picture for my contents page as the model is not actually looking at the camera. This makes the audience curious as to why she is looking the other way although it is unconventional to have the model look away from the camera it words well as it makes her look like she is dreaming showing she is following her dreams like anyone of the readers could. The fact that the camera would be angled to look up at her makes the audience believe she is a good role model to look up to making the audience inspire to be like her.

Double Page Spread Shots

This would be a good picture for the double page spread as it is a long shot meaning that the background is also shown helping the audience create a sense of where the singer is. It also shows them what she does for a living as it looks like she is creating a piece of music making the audience feel as if they are getting a secret look into what the singer feels/ their creativity.
This would be an ideal picture for my double page spread as it shows the singer messing around. This would appeal to my target audience as they like to see their singers having fun and messing around as it makes them familiarise with there role model making them feel closure and forming a bond between them.

This picture would be excellent for a double page spread as it almost makes the singer appear to be gossiping with the reader. This would make the reader feel as if the singer is sharing secrets they have never heard of before with the audience and makes them want to feel more involved. The fact that the shot is a close up gives the reader a sense of connection between the singer and the reader.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

My Mood Board For Main Task x

All of My Main Task Planning x

Organisation of Model

Name: Emma White
Number: 07584654364
Meeting: 13th Febuary At 12:00Pm, Station, Then catching 24 bus to Emmer Green Park.
                                                     12:30Pm, At Grandmothers getting makeup/ change into outfit
                                                     13:00Pm, Begining photoshot.
                                                     14:30Pm Finish up.

Dates Needing Model && Props:

Confirmation With Model:

Email address crossed out on models request x

Photos of Props
White Floral Dress - this will add to the calm atmosphere of the magazine it will contrast well with the background of the park, making the magazine feel more natural. The dress is also very female making my female target audience able to relate. It is also very summery making it stand out against the men’s rocker magazines that would be placed on the shelves surrounding my magazine. It is ideal for my magazine as it is a symbol of feminism.

Blue Lead Guitar this will show that the magazine is a music magazine. The guitar would also stand out against the white dress and so the appeal that it doesn't matter where you come from. It is a modern guitar showing the magazine is an up to date music magazine. It is ideal for my magazine as it shows that women can rock just as much as men, once again adding to the female representation of women in the music industry once again appealing to my female audience.

žBlack Cardigan & Black Dolly Shoes – this would give my magazine a sense of typical rock and roll as black is one of the rock royalty colours. The black cardigan and shoes would contrast well with the white dress almost suggesting women breaking into a man’s world. The dolly shoes are once again female representations showing that women could rock in a man’s world. This would contribute to my magazine as it is unique to women becoming equal in the music industry. It is also breaking the typical convention of having women in slutty outfits on the front cover producing them as artists not sex symbols. This would make women feel more secure and related to the artist, making it essential for a prop in my photo shot.

Make Up - Bright red lipstick, Liquid Eyeliner, Lip Balm, Mascara, Eyeliner, Effect gives of an atticude and is very little makeup adding some naturalism, making the audience finding it easier to relate as it's makeup they can purchase themselves.

How I Created My Final MastHead x

Programs Need : Internet, Photoshop
1) Go To

2)In the search bar type in "THE DEEP" and click enter. Then in the type your text here, type the name of your title.

3) Print Screen, then open up Photoshop.

4) Click on NEW, then a box should appear. Make sure that next to PRESET it says CLIPBOARD, then click ok.

5) Next click on EDIT and find PASTE.

6) Click on the crop tool and fit the box around the font text, click on the GREEN TICK once the box is fitted tightly around your title.

7)Next click on the magnifying glass to ZOOM IN.

8) In order to make the background TRANSPARANT click on the wand.

9) Click on the background of the Image. Make sure not to click on the text, Then click DELETE (on the keyboard). Next bring the cursur to the side where it says background and drag it down to the bin at the bottom.

10) Click on the PAINT BUCKET on the left hand side tools. then click on COLOUR and change the colour to Yellow. Next click on the FONT.

11) Then click SAVE AS and save it as Title. Click on SAVE AS again but this time change the format to JPEG. You have now completed your title.

12) Make sure to save them somewhere you will remember!