Thursday 31 March 2011

My Final Front Cover x

               For my Front Cover I decided to try and target a 14 - 17 female audience. In order to do this I looked at fashion magazines to see how they targeted the young female audience as there is only a few music magazines target at females. I used the convention for Q magazine of having the title and the main article being the same colour, this helps the audience see that both pieces are important. I used the front cover to establish the colour scheme of Yellow, Black, White and Purple. I used a circle shape to bring the audience attention to the free gift that helps them want to buy it. I also placed the bar code up the side of the front cover in the middle as a lot of the teenage female magazines had the bar code placed there. I added a lot of articles on the front page in bright colours to bring the audience in as they stand out more on the black background. I followed the conventions of having the title as the biggest font on the page. By following these conventions my Front cover adapted from my first draft as having less space and looking more professional.

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