Thursday 31 March 2011

My Final Double Page Spread x

          For my double page spread I decided to have the article about an interview with Emma White, who is portrayed as the female Justin Bieber (World dominating). I  used a variation of fonts for places such as Title, quotes, summary and clips. This allows the audience to establish the difference between the two types of texts and associate the different types of fonts which what they are, making the audience find quotes if that’s what they like.I kept to my colour scheme of using the colours White, Purple, Black and Yellow. The balance in which is on my page is that ½ of one page shall be the text in columns. I shall then have a main quote organised over both pages to bring the audience in as well as letting it linking the two pages together (Conventional). The rest of the spread then just consists of one main picture. I decided on this as the majority of magazines have the picture on the left and have bright quotes emphasized to catch the audiences eye as they flick through.The conventions in which I followed are, such things as having a main image that takes up the whole of one page, variation of texts to show off different parts of the articles, keeping to the colour scheme, having quotes to bring in the audience.  For inspiration on for my double page spread I looked at heat magazines lay out and copied the idea of having the main image on the left hand side with the text on the right as well as having a quote linking the two pages together. I think my double page spread worked well as I used heat magazine as a basic outline of how to make my magazine look professional so people would buy it. I was influenced by the magazine "Heat". The white box on the left hand side, was influenced by Heat as it talks about sending in questions and who my audience want me to interview,, this allows the audience to feel apart of the making of the magazine. The technique uses well for "heat" magazine. I also decided to layout my DPS similar to Heat as it consists of having the picture on the left hand side as well as having the columns of the interview on the right, with a big quote as the title. This works well at targeting my audience as it allows the audience to be curious due to the quote. Also the use of quotes break up the text making it seem less daunting for my audience to read, also another convention of magazines, but it works particularly well in "Heat" as it uses its colour scheme to bring attention to the audience.

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