Friday 1 April 2011

Evaluation Question 5 : How did you attract/address your audience?

In order to attract my audience there was many techniques which I used. I need to create a professional look that would attract my audience to my magazine as well as following conventions of other magazines that were aimed at the same audience as mine. This meant I could follow the conventions of other magazines to make my magazine fit in with the professionals make it look more presentable and able for my target audience to know the magazine is for them..

Use of Language
I used slang language/ simple syntax. This is so that my audience (14-17) would be able to understand what is being said within the articles and help them be engaged in what is being promoted to them. The fact that I used “Buzz words” such as exclusive allowed my audience to get excited that the article is just for them and that they will know something that nobody else does. I used rhyme in some of the articles names such as “Pop Queen Avril Lavigne Spills the Bean”. My target audience like rhyming syntax thus making there attention drawn to my magazine. The conventions I followed were from other magazines that had the same audience, thus allowing me to learn how to target my audience successfully.

Use of font
an important contributor when creating a magazine is fonts, this is because the font you choose has to appeal to your audience. As my audience is female, the fonts I choose had to be curvy, lively but also bold and eye catching. I download my main font from DaFont, this was easy to do once you understood what you were doing, as it takes a lot of skill to change the colour and edit it. The other fonts I used were fonts that looked the part already on InDesign.

one thing I noticed about contents pages were they were always presented neatly making it easier for the audience to read as well as having bright colours for the important information. The main image on the page links in to the main article (Double page Spread) as I changed the writing to have an outline on the important things making it easier for my reader to read the information being given. I split the articles into sections to help the audience find what they were looking for as well as following the convention of putting the numbers first before the name of the article.

It is very easy to influence young teenage girls with the media as they always want to look like the celebrities, however, a lot of the teenage girls don‘t realise that the pictures they see in the magazine are edited using photoshop. I wanted my images to show the message that its okay to just be normal and not “Perfect” like the celebrities, to do this I made sure my images were not edited in getting rid of spots or hair out of place but just to simply brighten/ sharpen to colour to make the picture look in better quality. For the photoshot my model wore a white dress, this was to give the representation that she was pure and that nothing had changed her appearance and that it was all natural like the surroundings around her, thus breaking the convention of having the perfect model. I wanted the pictures to show a fun characteristics coming through to make the audience feel welcome.

My masthead was inspired by “Heat” this was because I like the way each letter was curvy and yet still bold which was how I wanted my masthead to be. however I wanted my masthead to have a little bit more attitude to it, so I made my masthead curvier and have more sharper edges. My masthead is bold and place at the top of the front cover, but just below the Skyline.

Choice of Representations
From my questionnaire I learnt that my audience liked a variety of music and that most of the music they liked were about wanting to belong in the crowd, because of this I wanted my images to show my singer having fun and not wearing lots of amounts of make up and looking very natural. In order for my audience to be inspire I need to create my model as being a good role model for my younger audience and make them feel like they don’t have to be “Perfect” to have fun and be excepted. I enjoyed making changed to my images as it was nice to see how you could change your image to portray a different message.

in the layout of my magazine I used a lot of conventions. The front cover layout of my magazine follows the conventions by having the main image of the singer up close to show eye contract with the reader making them feel more important. I placed the Skyline at the top of the page and tried to get it to bring attention to it by giving it bright colours however, not to bright as to distract the audience away from the main article. I tried to use convention in the colour scheme as usually a magazine has black, white and a stand out colour normally red. I wanted to break the convention a little by adding another colour so I had four in my colours scheme (yellow, black, white, purple) to give the audience a feeling that this was a new type of magazine they hadn’t seen before. I arrange my contents page layout to look presentable by having it organised into columns and having the convention of having the page first, this was to make it look more professional. I also placed my images together in one corner the page to make it look more organised. In my double page spread I followed the convention of having one main image on one side (usually the left) and having the interview on the right, this lead me to be able to separate the text making it easier to read and conform to the conventions that other magazines use.


How I targeted my audience

The way which I targeted my teenage female audience was through following conventions of other magazines such by the use of curvy fonts, the layout on the page and the highlighting of important words to catch the audiences eye. I made sure that the information I put on my magazine was relevant to the feedback I got from my questionnaire to make sure it was what my audience wanted, EG latest releases, best gigs of this year. The promotion of 'free posters' would also get my audience attention as its something personally for them making them feel special.

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